Opening Hours / Holidays

Most shops are closed on Sundays in Switzerland with the exception of shops in railway stations. Official holidays are defined by the cantons.

Shop Hours

Shop hours vary according to canton. Canton Glarus does not officially regulate shop hours. Theoretically shops may open and close at any given time Mondays through Saturdays. On Saturdays, most shops close earlier than during the week. On Sundays, most shops are closed, with the exception of shops in railway stations which are usually open 7 days a week, open earlier, and close later than regular shops.

Office Hours for Public Services

The cantonal public services are, in general, open Mondays through Fridays from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 17.00. The cantonal public services are open until 17.30 on Thursdays. Office hours for community public services vary greatly. Particularly small communities may have limited opening hours. Finding out in advance what the opening hours are, by telephone or Internet, is recommended.